Thursday, October 20, 2011

Visual Thinking Research

         I asked one of my roommates to participate in these puzzles with me.  He actually found them interesting and sometimes difficult.  Some of the techniques that we found helpful were to write down on each shape the number that we counted it as.  When we didn't do this we tended to lose our spot very easily, and tended to count shapes more than once or not at all.  We noticed that once our eyes found a certain pattern or arrangement of shapes it was hard to unfocus on that space and begin looking at the picture again like it was our first time.  This has a lot to do with our visual memory for our brains did not want to forget where those triangles or squares were when we originally saw them.
        When we couldn't find anymore shapes we tended to try and step back and slow down a little bit so that our brains could look at every possible scenario.

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