Thursday, October 13, 2011

Visual Perception 2

This is a picture of my house designed by my father in the east bay; the house is located in Lafayette.  This picture I took myself from the top of the street looking down upon the house.  The mountain you see in the background is Mt. Diablo.  Driving up too the house the structure remains invisible until you crest the hill into the driveway.  The first thing you notice when you drive up is the huge view of Mt. Diablo and many areas surrounding the mountain.  The view is breathtaking and holds your attention for the first few moments then your eye and brain begins to explore the rest of the house.  After the mountain my eye goes straight to the front door, and the glass plate that is above protecting and changing the light that lands on the front door.  After the front glass has been looked over I find great interest in the extremely aggressive green plants in the blue grass on either sides of the front door.  These wild plants give an almost “avatar” feeling.  
            Many of the lines on the house are horizontal so my brain started to connect the lines and make patterns both horizontally and vertically.  The amount of glass that is used is a real eye catcher because of the color differences.  The contrast of the brown metal and blue glass is awesome, as well as the grey driveway.  The contrast helped me a lot to organize what I was seeing for the metal is usually grey but in this case the rust made it brown, an almost wood like color.  With these colors between wood and metal being so similar I was left to look at the differences between the textures of the two surfaces.  The patterns within the building leave my mind to think and eager to see the rest of the house in order to find more and more line patterns. 

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