Thursday, December 8, 2011

Visual Techniques

Balance- Instability
Regularity- Irregularity
The new McLaren sports car on the top is a very pure form that has balance and similarities.  The way in which the car is shaped is made to be as efficient as possible both aerodynamically and visually.  In this situation balance is used because it is the most stable way in which the car can be laid out.  This stability and balance creates good traction as well as a very smooth unique look.  I put the McLaren next to a house that I had found interesting right up the street, I did this to show irregularity in the space.  The house is not made to be symmetrical or have balance because it is the not the most practical way to layout a house.  The house was made to have many different rooms and spaces that are livable where the car is not. Balance and Instability is a main idea that I want to focus on for the different techniques are used in different situations. Regularity and irregularity is another visual technique that jumped out when I chose these two photos.

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